Art Club Series 3 Returns With Grayson Perry
Grayson Perry’s Art Club will be returning soon for another series and we are all really looking forward to tuning in.
This is the third series and I’m sure no one is surprised it’s back, Grayson and Phillippa are such an interesting couple and really seem to motivate one another with their different styles and true interest in other people and their art. It’s good to have a laugh with art and not take it all too seriously and it’s great to see people really loving their work and appreciating how individuals are affected by their world and how they translate this into art .
‘’On the return of the series, Grayson and Philippa Perry said: “We’re delighted that we’re opening up the doors to our Art Club again. This show was borne out of a time where we needed art to help us make sense of the changes in our lives and find meaning from what we were collectively going through. In series 3 we’re working on a new set of themes to inspire the nation to make more art to illuminate what we now face, whatever that is, and we’re both very much looking forward to seeing what the British public will create this time around”
This series will have a whole new set of themes, reflecting the ever-changing mood of the nation, which no doubt has changed once again recently with the tragic events in Ukraine. Grayson will be chatting to celeb guests and discussing their art and artistic influences, which is always so interesting to hear about. This genuine interest with people and how this can be conveyed in art is something we enjoy so much in art and its expressions.
As a photojournalist who has travelled the world David Hicks work has always been fascinated by people and the things that make them tick, the images, art, photography that inspires and motivates them. His exhibition collections have ranged from the tabletops to taxi drivers. In his tabletop exhibition, which he also exhibited at last year’s Flux exhibition, he replicated the tables by printing directly on the white tables, with different images taken from around the world. Like Grayson, he enjoyed marvelling about how we human beings live.
Hopefully this show will allow some of these guests to visit Grayson and Phillippa’s studios and we can have less zoom calls, which we’ve all become so used to but would probably mostly like to move away from and have some personal time together!
So cup of tea at the ready and don’t forget to tune in — should be fun!