Should Festivals Go Ahead This Year?
Reading and Leeds Festival “very confident” they’ll be back this year.
I’m sure we can all agree that we’ve craving to be completely covered in mud at a festival, but is it the right thing to do? With the roadmap announcement at the beginning of the week, there’s been a strong sense of optimism in the air. Prime Minister Boris Johnson states that social distancing in England could be gone by 21 June, if COVID-19 does what it’s told! This has sparked some well-needed hope for millions across the UK, and the light at the end of this dark tunnel could be over before we know it.
A great article that sums the topic up is this from New Music Platform.
Is June 21st too early?
In a nutshell, who knows. Unfortunately, there will never be a right or wrong time to stop the lockdown as COVID-19 seems like something we’re going to have to live with for a long time. The Vaccine roll-out is going well, and things seem to be looking up, but that doesn’t mean we should resume ‘normal’ life just yet. At least 190,000 people are getting their first dose each day, and it’s incredible that we’ve got to this stage so quickly, but we must follow the guidelines until it’s safe to do so. The Government’s Roadmap clearly states that each stage will only happen if the NHS doesn’t get overwhelmed and the cases don’t go through the roof again.
But we need normality! I need my live music fix!
Of course we do! We deserve it after getting through a whole year of lockdown. Having ‘normal’ life resume and carry on is the absolute dream for millions across the globe. The entertainment industry has been left on a shelf for the whole of the pandemic, and having this glimpse of hope is exciting. The live music industry generated £4.7billion in 2019, according to UK Music, and THAT shows how important The Arts truly are. Everything has to go back to normal at some stage, and as I previously mentioned, there’s never going to be a right or wrong time for normal life to resume. The entertainment industry couldn’t last another 12 months without events, and what would life be without The Arts? Desperation hangs in the air and uncertainties are still weighing down many people’s shoulders, will the roadmap go to plan?
We want to hear from you — what do YOU think will happen?
Written by Chloe Mogg (In House Journalist & PR)