Top Ten Tips For Your Pooch This Christmas
Quite Great is an International & Nationally recognised PR agency with many years of experience. Respected in the industry by a multitude of different clients in varying industries, we are one of the most creative, and proactive PR agencies in the UK. We have extensive experience working with a variety of charities, so if you have an animal charity that you are wishing to profile then check our charity pr page and see how we can help you to potentially increase funding, build awareness for your charity initiative or indeed generally broaden your message across local, national, online, print and broadcast media. One such client Quite Great is proud to work with is Yellow Dog Charity.
For some truly insightful views for your dogs this Christmas, read on with UK Yellow Dog Ambassador Alison Gibson-Stark:
• Make sure you know the number of your local emergency vet in case of accidents or your dog falls ill.
• Make sure you’ve stocked up on any/all of your dog’s medications, so you don’t run short over the Christmas period.
• Try and keep routines the same for mealtimes and exercise.
• Introduce visitors and any new people carefully — set up a distraction for them when people enter your home, put some treats down or a lick mat — too many people could be a bit overwhelming or over-exciting for your dog. You could set up an escape room, somewhere for your dog to sit quietly if it all gets too much — maybe with their bed in a separate room and some water and dog treats.
• If you’re out for the day and can’t take your dog with you, make sure you’re not away from the home too long — don’t leave your dog alone for long periods of time. If your dog is coming with you make sure you take their bed and some toys with you so they have some familiarity in a strange place — this will help to make them feel more secure.
• If there are children around ask them to try and be calm around your dog, especially if your dog is eating or trying to have a sleep — don’t leave children alone with dogs for any reason.
• Ensure human treats are out of reach of your dog — and make sure your dog sticks to dog-friendly treats. Some foods are not safe for your dogs to eat, such as: Chocolate, grapes and raisins, mince Pies, Christmas pudding, onions, holly berries, and alcohol of course!
• Ensure you hoover up any pine needles from real Christmas trees, loose needles can be painful if they get stuck in paws.
• Keep presents out of reach — especially if any of the presents are edible.
• Have fun with your gorgeous dogs!
Whatever your PR and marketing requirements, Quite Great has a range of services to suit you and your budget. We’re confident that we can help you, so get in touch with our team of experts today!
Take a look at previous examples of clients we have worked with and campaigns here.