Was William Morris A Genius ?
Every artist, no matter what their style or medium is in some way influenced by other forces in their life, whether that is music, lifestyle, architecture or indeed other artists. The Arts & Crafts movement is one which has certainly had a truly positive impact on the artworld over the years and continues to inspire and make so many people happy.
The late C19th saw the beginning of a big change in society with the Arts & Crafts movement developing and completely reforming design and manufacturing from art and jewellery to architecture and furniture. Ruskin and William Morris were leaders of this style. Willilam Morris believed ‘Have nothing in your houses that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful.’
This is such a beautiful idea, a little difficult for us to always maintain but the general thought is there and one which we love. Several of the vibrant designs from one our favourite artists, Marie-Therese King which started life as intricate hand painted batiks on cotton, have since been transferred to interior pieces, with table lamps and lampshade ranges. After learning how to manipulate these designs to fit a longer thinner shape King had them printed and made up each one by hand. We love how these pieces bring the artworks to life and are pretty sure Morris would have approved, as they are most definitely beautiful and of course useful!
No doubt Morris was way ahead of his time with his massive appreciation of nature and desire to return to simpler, better past models of living and production with small scale workshops and a return to basics, being aware of the environment.
The first eco-warrior of design with ideals that many have appreciated over the years and continue to respect. Edward Burne-Jones, perhaps the last of the Pre-Raphaelites, is another artist whose romantic works also inspire so many. Having met Morris in Oxford, both Burne-Jones and Morris shared a life of art and poetry and Burne-Jones become one of the major figures in the Arts & Crafts movement, setting up the textiles company with Morris which still exists today. This beautiful style, inspired by nature is as popular today as it ever was and the fashion for these Arts & Crafts designs are seeing a massive resurgence now with boho furnishings and clothes with their timeless appeal and we love them too.
Marie-Therese King’s art is inspired by nature, so of course the works of artists like Morris and Burne-Jones also ignite her artistic mind. The joy of working with the beauty and fluidity of nature and then also taking this to furnishings in the home is something she loves to do. The Arts & Crafts movement has managed to retain its freshness and seems to continue to move comfortably alongside changes in style and fashion, through the ages. It feels like there will always be a place for these nature loving themes and the practicality of appreciating what is useful, is most definitely a contemporary vibe. So we celebrate the Arts & Crafts movement and the absolute genius of Morris, a man well ahead of the times!